Greenfield News


Date ArticleType
1/18/2016 General
Open for Business - Disaster Planning for Small Businesses

OPEN FOR BUSINESS – Do you have plans in the event of a disaster?

All businesses should have a plan in place in the event of a disaster. Everything from a power outage to a tornado to a fire can disrupt your business. A good solid plan can help reduce the economic impact of any disruption.
• A business disaster is that point in time when you cannot provide your customers and clients with the minimum, level of goods and services they need and expect.
• Make sure you have the proper tools in place to recover once a business interruption event happens.
• Returning to business after an interruption requires strategic planning BEFORE the interruption occurs.

The three main objectives of business continuity planning are to:
(1) protect people (employees & visitors) and property
(2) at a minimum, get your critical business operations back up and running quickly
(3) minimize the amount of time you are unable to provide your goods or services to your clients and customers

Contact your Greenfield Area Chamber of Commerce with any questions on the information provided at 317.477.4188.