Greenfield News


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8/26/2016 General
8 Ways to Improve Your Networking Skills

8 Ways to Improve Your Networking Skills

Networking is a crucial part of business. It involves a wide array of options such as finding a business partner, new clients, or even a job, and it is one of the best ways to accomplish business related goals. However, many people overlook the importance of it, or simply avoid it all together because they find it intimidating. Whether you consider yourself to be social or shy, everyone can improve themselves in this important area business.

1) Network as often as possible! As with most things in life, the more often you do something, the better you get at it. Networking is no exception. Every time you network, it is another chance to practice approaching people, delivering your elevator pitch, and answering questions. Practice makes perfect!

2) Know who your target client is. Don’t waste time talking the ear off a fellow restaurant owner if you own a catering company. Think of the business who routinely hold meetings that might need some lunch provided. If possible, do research ahead of the networking event and know who will be in attendance that could be a potential client.

3) Speak positively. It is bad form to talk down upon your competitors. Instead of saying negative things about their product or service, talk more about your product or service. Plus, you’ll be mentioning your business name more than your competitors. And even if you’re not talking about business, keep the conversation enthusiastic. Remember, positivity breeds positivity!

4) Get out of your comfort zone. The perfect client (or job offer, office supplier, etc.) isn’t going to find you in a sea of people. If you are at networking event and you had time to research people attending and you did see some potential people worth talking to, go up and start a conversation! For many people this can be difficult; however, you have to get out of your comfort zone in order to meet the people you need to meet.

5) Be engaged! One of the best networking traits you can have is to be a good listener. If you have done the majority of the talking, let the other person know that you are interested in what they have to say, too. It’s also just as important to be present in the conversation; if you appear distracted or bored, they could take that as being rude and you could lose a potential client.