Greenfield News


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8/26/2016 General
Not Just A Boss, A Leader

Not Just a Boss, a Leader
A team is only as good as its weakest link – and employees are very much like a team. However, every team has to have a leader, and that is the boss. It’s important to understand that role can range from referee, to counselor, to enforcer, to encourager all in one day. It’s important for the sake of the company and the clients that the employees are happy; when they’re happy, they are more likely to work hard, better, and be kinder to one another and the customers.

Here are some tips on how to keep employees happy:
Good communication. Remember that game called “Telephone?” Someone would say a phrase and whisper it to someone, who would whisper it to someone else, and so-on-and-so-forth. Usually by the end of the line, the phrase would be completely different than the original phrase. Avoid miscommunications and “he-said-she-said” situations by making sure everyone is on the same page. Whether it is weekly meetings, emails, or old-fashioned notes, make sure everyone is included.

Trust. When someone trusts you, you tend to do your best because you don’t want to let that person down. Trusting your employees will give them a since of responsibility. If you never let them do anything, they will think you don’t have any faith in their abilities.

Avoid favoritism. Nothing will stir up employee-rivalry like favoritism from the boss. Never give out bonuses or raises out of favoritism. Try and treat all the employees the same so you don’t encourage any tension between them. It can also turn their feelings negatively towards you.

Make work-life balance a priority. Make sure your employees know that you recognize the importance of family and the unpredictability of life. For example, be understanding with the mom who has to pick her sick kid up from school in the middle of the work day. As long as they are getting their work done properly and on time, make the work-life balance a priority.

Recognize and reward employees. Even if it simply giving someone a round of applause during a small meeting, being noticed for good actions will show that you are not only paying attention to them, but that you appreciate what they do.

Ask for their input. Making them a part of the big picture will give them a sense of importance. They will feel that they do have a voice in the company and their thoughts and ideas are wanted.